Rails Templates

Most Popular Newest

Solid Queue

DB-based queuing backend for Active Job, designed with simplicity and performance in mind.
F Facundo Espinosa
Used 10 times


Simple dev setup for overmind
A Andrew Mason
Used 10 times

Rack Deflater

Adds Rack Defalter to the application.rb
d dpaluy
Used 10 times

RSpec Captive

Add rspec-rails to your application
G Guillaume Imary
Used 10 times


install dropzone
C Clément Prod'homme
Used 10 times


Adds RSwag to Gemfile
A Adrian Hawrylak
Used 10 times

Database Migrate And Schema Dump On Heroku Deploy

Automatically migrate database and schema dump upon deploying to Heroku.
D Dale Zak
Used 10 times

Authentication with Devise Copy

Adds user authentication to your app using the Devise gem
MalTheGreat MalTheGreat
Used 10 times


Installs the inline_view_component gem
R Rafe Rosen
Used 9 times


Installs Honeybadger configured via a HONEYBADGER_API_KEY ENV variable.
B Ben Morrall
Used 9 times

add Rspec in Rails

Adding Rspec in Rails and removing Test from project Directory
A Aniket Dangat
Used 9 times

Factory Bot Copy

Add Factory Bot to your application
S Steven Fernandez
Used 9 times


Adding simple cov
S Sakshi Agarwal
Used 9 times


Installs Discard gem for soft deletes.
D Dale Zak
Used 9 times


Code coverage for Ruby with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites
R Ronan Donnelly
Used 8 times

HVboom - Remove Puma server

Remove the Puma gem, because I run Rails apps through Phusion Passenger
M Mario Lotz
Used 8 times

Ruby on Whales testing

This is a testing template for Ruby on Whales changes
P Pavel Kalashnikov
Used 8 times

Simplecov Setup for Rails

Add Simplecov to your Rails project (works with both Minitest and RSpec)
P Peter Szinek
Used 8 times


Install jbuilder in your Rails app
P Prathamesh Sonpatki
Used 8 times

Quick and Easy Favicons

Add all the favions you need with one icon.svg and this template. Inkscape and SVGO CLI tools required.
E Eelco from Rails Designer
Used 7 times