Rails Templates

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Sets up Gitpod and enables prebuilds so that dependencies are installed ahead-of-time (so you don't need to wait)
G Geoffrey Huntley
Used 13 times


Add the futurism lazy loading gem based on CableReady
J Julian Rubisch
Used 13 times


Spring is disabled in Rails 7 by default, this helps enable it back for older computers
N Nick Gorbikoff
Used 13 times


Installs matestack
M Michael Yagudaev
Used 13 times

Punching Bag

Punching Bag is a hit tracking plugin for Ruby on Rails that specializes in simple trending.
A Andrea Fomera
Used 13 times

Override Default Rails Templates

Populate your project with default Rails templates so it's easy for you to override and customize.
D Dale Zak
Used 12 times


installs brakeman
J Javier Lafora
Used 12 times


k kieran Klaassen
Used 12 times

Error monitoring with AppSignal

ErrorMonitoring & APM for Rails, Sinatra, Padrino, etc
N Nick Gorbikoff
Used 12 times

Git Snippets

Adds Git snippets to README.md
D Dale Zak
Used 12 times

Heroku Procfile

Sets up a standard Procfile for Heroku to start Puma and run migrations automatically on release
A Andy Waite
Used 12 times


Set up rubcop with a predefined configuration file
A Arandi Lopez
Used 11 times

Faker Gem

Add faker gem
D Dale Zak
Used 11 times

Omniauth Twitter Provider

Installs omniauth-twitter gem, adds twitter provider, run migration for users
D Dale Zak
Used 11 times

Enable livereload

Installs rails_live_reload gem
C Chanaka
Used 11 times


Freezolite is a gem that turn the frozen_string_literal
d dpaluy
Used 11 times

Testing Magic

This is a RailsByte to test with https://github.com/stephendolan/spark
S Stephen Dolan
Used 11 times

Bootstrap 4.6.0 & Hotwire With Webpacker

Add Bootstrap 4.6.0 and Turbo/Hotwire to your Rails app using Webpacker with this app template.
d dchuk
Used 11 times

Rack-Attack Gem

Add rack-attack gem and default initializer
D Dale Zak
Used 10 times


installs solargraph
J Javier Lafora
Used 10 times