Rails Templates

Most Popular Newest


Set up postgresql as the database
L Luna Comerford
Used 42 times

Lucky - Fathom Analytics

Integrate Fathom Analytics into a Lucky Application
S Stephen Dolan
Used 27 times

Rename Rails App - for Rails v6

Rename rails app using a patched rename gem supporting Rails 6
R Richard Logwood
Used 30 times

Testing Magic

This is a RailsByte to test with https://github.com/stephendolan/spark
S Stephen Dolan
Used 21 times

Choiceable All in one (maybe ?) Copy

RSpec + Spring, Guard RSpec & Livereload, ESLint, StandardRB + Spring, Lint-staged, Hotwire, Devise + Turbo Support (If use Hotwire), and Capistrano
Used 23 times


Add Bootstrap to your Rails app using Webpacker with this app template.
J Josh Teperman
Used 114 times


Sets up Gitpod and enables prebuilds so that dependencies are installed ahead-of-time (so you don't need to wait)
G Geoffrey Huntley
Used 18 times

RSpec - FactoryBot - DatabaseCleaner

Ruby on Rails XP KIT
P Positive Nature Creative
Used 30 times


a base template for rehabr
R Robert Robinson
Used 14 times


installs rubocop config based on standard-rb, plus rubocop-rails and rubocop-minitest
R Rafe Rosen
Used 17 times


Add kredis to your app with a default config
J Julian Rubisch
Used 17 times

Bootstrap 4.6.0 & Hotwire With Webpacker

Add Bootstrap 4.6.0 and Turbo/Hotwire to your Rails app using Webpacker with this app template.
d dchuk
Used 18 times

RSpec infrastructure

RSpec, Guard, FactoryBot, Shoulda, VCR, Webmock - standard rspec environment
d dpaluy
Used 165 times

Rack Deflater

Adds Rack Defalter to the application.rb
d dpaluy
Used 16 times


Creates editorconfig configuration file
d dpaluy
Used 27 times

Rubocop for Rails and Rspec

Rubocop rules
d dpaluy
Used 48 times

Multi Environment Credentials for Production and staging

Adds production and staging credentials
d dpaluy
Used 20 times

Rails best practices

A code metric tool for rails codes, written in Ruby.
V Viktor Schmidt
Used 71 times

RSpec Copy

Add rspec-rails to your application
MalTheGreat MalTheGreat
Used 16 times

Authentication with Devise Copy

Adds user authentication to your app using the Devise gem
MalTheGreat MalTheGreat
Used 13 times