Rails Templates

Most Popular Newest

Bootstrap (Bootstrap 5, Turbo support)

Turbo compatible: Add Bootstrap 5 to your Rails app using Webpacker with this app template. Includes Popper.js
A Andrea Fomera
Used 1033 times

Devise Authentication + Hotwire Support

Adds user authentication to your app using the Devise gem. Supports Hotwire.
A Andrea Fomera
Used 744 times

Hotwire (Turbo, Stimulus, Strada)

Add Hotwire stack to your Rails app
N Nick Gorbikoff
Used 96 times

Error monitoring with AppSignal

ErrorMonitoring & APM for Rails, Sinatra, Padrino, etc
N Nick Gorbikoff
Used 12 times


JARD - Just Another Ruby Debugger based on Byebug & Pry
N Nick Gorbikoff
Used 29 times

Capybara Test Helpers

The perfect companion for your integration tests.
M Maximo Mussini
Used 17 times

Vite Rails

Bring joy to your frontend experience in Rails
M Maximo Mussini
Used 98 times

Hotwire Webpacker

This template is to include Hotwire using webpacker.
C Curtis Ovard
Used 22 times


This is a template to add and install the New Hotness Hotwire to your rails app.
C Curtis Ovard
Used 34 times


install solargraph rails support
J Julian Rubisch
Used 59 times

Minijohn's Base Stack

Rails 6 template, with Devise, RSpec, Webpacker, Bootstrap 4 and SEO best practices.
M Minijohn
Used 209 times

Docker development setup

Docker-Compose file to get started with Postgresql and Redis
J Julian Rubisch
Used 14 times

Dockerize Rails (With Docker Compose)

Copy the "Ruby Starter Kits" template to your existing project.
M Mike Rogers
Used 25 times


'turbo-rails' gem
C Charalampos Aristomenopoulos
Used 19 times

Bootstrap@next (updated PopperJS)

Add Bootstrap 5 alpha to your Rails app using Webpacker with this app template. Forked to include the new @popperjs/core package.
M Mitch Craver
Used 57 times


Simple dev setup for overmind
A Andrew Mason
Used 8 times


EditorConfig helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project across various editors and IDEs.
J Jason Miller
Used 46 times

Lucky - Sentry.io

Integrate Sentry.io into a Lucky Application
S Stephen Dolan
Used 20 times

Yabeda + Prometheus

Adds the yabeda + yabeda-prometheus
A Adrian Madrid
Used 28 times


Install racecar gem and generates the install files.
A Adrian Madrid
Used 32 times