Rails Templates

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Set up dependabot to run once a day for ruby, javascript and github actions
T TobiasBales
Used 54 times

Create GitHub repository

Create gihub repo and push everything. This relies on the `hub` executable being available.
T TobiasBales
Used 26 times

CI/CD with GitHub actions

Set up GitHub actions to run tests and linters and automerging for certain pull-requests
T TobiasBales
Used 81 times


Install meta-tags Gem, tries to inject display_meta_tags into application.html.(erb|slim) if exists
S Stefan Wienert
Used 18 times

ActiveAdmin with devise integration

Set up active admin that is expected to be used with devise.
T TobiasBales
Used 188 times

Factory Bot With Install

Add Factory Bot to your application
w wusher
Used 15 times


Add Bootstrap 5 alpha to your Rails app using Webpacker with this app template. Bootstrap 5 removes jquery.
n notapatch
Used 115 times

Blazer (Enh.)

Add Blazer to your Rails app - Checks for devise/whenever, correct indention
S Stefan Wienert
Used 20 times


Set up rubcop, fix violations and create a todo config that exludes open violations
T TobiasBales
Used 192 times

Postgres with docker-compose

Set up postgresql as the database with local support for docker-compose
T TobiasBales
Used 177 times

Devise with optional bootstrap

Set up devise and add a basic navigation partial with login/logout links when bootstrap is present
T TobiasBales
Used 353 times


Code coverage for ruby 1.9+ with a powerfull configuration libary and au
E Edgar Ferreira
Used 22 times

Lucky - TailwindCSS

Install TailwindCSS in a Lucky Application
S Stephen Dolan
Used 186 times

Lucky - StimulusJS

Install StimulusJS in a Lucky Application
S Stephen Dolan
Used 145 times

Live Reload

LiveReload with Webpack for views and viewcomponents..
R Roland Studer
Used 69 times

Clear Development Logs

Automatically clear development logs when they get over 2mb.
D Dale Zak
Used 43 times


Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites
C Chris Oliver
Used 113 times


Add Tailwind to your Rails app
B Brijesh Wawdhane
Used 30 times

Guard with minitest

Set up guard with minitest
T TobiasBales
Used 113 times


Set up ESlint and try to make it pass linting
T TobiasBales
Used 112 times