Rails Templates

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Set up fasterer
T TobiasBales
Used 47 times

Opinionated Docker Compose Setup

An opinionated Docker Compose for development with Rails 5.2+ and Postgres.
K Konnor Rogers
Used 46 times


Add an admin back-end using the Trestle gem
S Sam Pohlenz
Used 46 times


Add simple, Heroku-friendly Rails app configuration using ENV and a single YAML file.
I Ivan Raszl
Used 46 times

TailwindCSS JIT without Webpacker

A simple vanilla PostCSS build setup for TailwindCSS JIT
D Dom Christie
Used 46 times


Set up erb-lint and better-html
T TobiasBales
Used 45 times


Set up database consistency to enforce matching model and sql constraints
T TobiasBales
Used 44 times


Set up rails_best_practices
T TobiasBales
Used 44 times

Active Record Doctor

Active Record Doctor helps to keep the database in a good shape.
V Viktor Schmidt
Used 44 times

Clear Development Logs

Automatically clear development logs when they get over 2mb.
D Dale Zak
Used 44 times


Set up overmind to start the server and docker-compose
T TobiasBales
Used 44 times

Rubocop for Rails and Rspec

Rubocop rules
d dpaluy
Used 43 times

Dark mode for Rails 6

To enable dark mode using stimulus.js built in Rails 6
L Lucius Choi
Used 43 times


Ensure your gems are appropriately versioned
A Andrew Mason
Used 42 times

Jumpstart Pro - Instant Forum

Adds a functional forum for your Jumpstart Pro application.
R Romain Manguin
Used 42 times

Debug Params

Render the params hash in development. Useful for debugging.
S Steve Polito
Used 42 times

Redis caching with docker-compose

Set up caching in redis with local support for docker-compose
T TobiasBales
Used 41 times


Set up strong migrations to avoid outages by running bad migrations
T TobiasBales
Used 40 times


Have a ngrok tunnel open when you start Puma in Development
M Mike Rogers
Used 40 times


Add PgHero to your Rails app
B Benjamin Darcet
Used 39 times