Rails Templates

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Factory Bot With Install

Add Factory Bot to your application
w wusher
Used 25 times

ActiveAdmin with devise integration

Set up active admin that is expected to be used with devise.
T TobiasBales
Used 195 times


Install meta-tags Gem, tries to inject display_meta_tags into application.html.(erb|slim) if exists
S Stefan Wienert
Used 24 times

CI/CD with GitHub actions

Set up GitHub actions to run tests and linters and automerging for certain pull-requests
T TobiasBales
Used 91 times

Create GitHub repository

Create gihub repo and push everything. This relies on the `hub` executable being available.
T TobiasBales
Used 32 times


Set up dependabot to run once a day for ruby, javascript and github actions
T TobiasBales
Used 63 times


Set up sorbet, sorbet-rails and rubocop-sorbet
T TobiasBales
Used 65 times

Use Postgres UUID

Use UUIDs as the default primary key for your models
A Andrew Perkins
Used 191 times

Sidekiq with docker-compose

Set up sidekiq with local support for docker-compose
T TobiasBales
Used 49 times

Redis caching with docker-compose

Set up caching in redis with local support for docker-compose
T TobiasBales
Used 46 times


Set up overmind to start the server and docker-compose
T TobiasBales
Used 47 times


Set up bullet to avoid n+1 queries
T TobiasBales
Used 41 times


Set up erb-lint and better-html
T TobiasBales
Used 48 times


Set up strong migrations to avoid outages by running bad migrations
T TobiasBales
Used 42 times


Set up annotate to annotate the models and routes
T TobiasBales
Used 80 times


Set up better errors including binding-of-caller
T TobiasBales
Used 41 times


Set up brakeman and enable ssl in production
T TobiasBales
Used 39 times


Set up rails_best_practices
T TobiasBales
Used 45 times


Set up marginalia to easier track down where sql queries originate from
T TobiasBales
Used 27 times


Set up pghero to gain performance insights into postgresql
T TobiasBales
Used 31 times