Add beautifully DRY, well-indented, clear markup.
Icons/chart bar
Used 178 times
Created by
I Ivan Raszl

Once the script has run, all view files with the ".html.haml" extension will be compiled using Haml. The script will ask if you want to convert your existing *.erb files to *.haml files, and whether you want to keep the original *.erb files or not. Read more about HAML.

Run this command in your Rails app directory in the terminal:

rails app:template LOCATION="https://railsbytes.com/script/x7msKK"
Template Source

Review the code before running this template on your machine.

run "bundle add haml"
run "bundle install"
if yes?("Would you like to convert your existing *.erb files to *.haml files? [y/n]")
  run "bundle add erb2haml --group 'development'"
  run "bundle install"
  if yes?("Would you like to keep the original *.erb files? [y/n]")
    rake "haml:convert_erbs"
    rake "haml:replace_erbs"

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