
Installs Honeybadger configured via a HONEYBADGER_API_KEY ENV variable.
Icons/chart bar
Used 10 times
Created by
B Ben Morrall

Setup a new project in Honeybadger and set the `HONEYBADGER_API_KEY` ENV Variable to the API Key (Have you tried dotenv?).

Run this command in your Rails app directory in the terminal:

rails app:template LOCATION="https://railsbytes.com/script/XvEsPe"
Template Source

Review the code before running this template on your machine.

run "spring stop"

gem "honeybadger"

in_root do
  file "config/honeybadger.yml", <<~'YAML'
# For more options, see https://docs.honeybadger.io/lib/ruby/gem-reference/configuration

api_key: '<%= ENV.fetch("HONEYBADGER_API_KEY") %>'

# The environment your app is running in.
env: "<%= Rails.env %>"

# The absolute path to your project folder.
root: "<%= Rails.root.to_s %>"

# Honeybadger won't report errors in these environments.
- test
- development
- cucumber

# By default, Honeybadger won't report errors in the development_environments.
# You can override this by explicitly setting report_data to true or false.
# report_data: true

# The current Git revision of your project. Defaults to the last commit hash.
# revision: null

# Enable verbose debug logging (useful for troubleshooting).
debug: false

run "bundle install"

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